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Keeping patients healthy between doctor visits and beyond...
Comprehensive preventive telemedicine platform with data analytics/AI for monitoring
Vital signs/health parameters with wearable sensor patch for continuous ECG/respiration, heart rate monitoring
Medication intake (smart pillbox & bottle)
Output (toilet sensor) & daily activities (fall-detection sensor, bed sensor)
(Optional) Integrated with Teleheath support via builtin Zoom video (for "Triplay-play: video/audio/data" capability)

What is NousRPM?
NousRPM or “Intelligent” Remote Patient Monitoring platform consists of NousLogic Smart Hub, wireless health devices and sensors to collect patient-generated health data (from vital signs to medication intake , output, activities) which are sent in real time to healthcare providers for analysis and care intervention.
The Goal of RPM is to improve medical care and health outcomes for patients with chronic medical conditions who benefit from closer monitoring in between clinic visits.
How does NousRPM work?
The Program is simple to implement:
The Physician registers with NousRPM and Login to our secure HIPAA-compliant website.
He/she can now invite Patients to participate in the RPM program via email.
Our Technician can mail to patients’ homes the Smart RPM Hub with a Smart Device for simple DIY installation (i.e. a Smart Glucometer, SpO2, Smart Scale, Thermometer, Smart Blood Pressure / Heart Rate Monitor, a Smart Medication monitoring/Reminder ...)
The Physician's office gets a notification for any preset abnormal values, then accesses the patient-generated health data to intervene as necessary.
Physician can be paid via Medicare PartB using RPM billing codes, CPT 99453, 99454, 99457, 99458.
FDA-certified Smart Devices
Smart Scale: Transmits Weight / BMI data to the Physician's office in real-time when the Patient steps on the scale.
Smart Pill Bottle / Smart 7-Day Pill Box: Tracks & Reminds Patients to take medications; logs all bottle opened events for overdose/missed dose notification. Compliance data is sent to the Physician's Office in real-time.
Smart Blood Pressure Monitor: Collects Blood Pressure data and sends it wirelessly to the Physician's office in real-time, automatically when the measurement is taken.
Smart Glucosemeter & Pulse Ox & Thermometer
Apple Watch ECG & SpO2
Wearable Sensor patch for continuous monitoring of ECG, respiration & heart rates, activities, fall-detection (on-going FDA application)
Toilet sensor
Bed sensor
Emergency Smart card: Contains vital patient health information and allows instant Video-Chat with Healthcare Provider or Caregiver. Useful for Telehealth virtual video visits in Covid-19 pandemic
Emergency Button: Sends instant notification to the Healthcare Provider or the Caregiver for help and can optionally auto unlock NousLogic Smart DoorLock for first responder team.

Medicare is currently reimbursing on average $150-180/patient/month for the RPM service to Healthcare Providers

More Smart Devices:
More Smart Devices and sensors with data analytics/AI will be available in the near future to expand the RPM platform in a continuous effort to keep patients healthy between doctor visits and beyond...
Better Patient engagement, Better self-care.
Smart data analytics/AI via correlation of various sensors data allows early intervention to prevent deterioration of health status. Particularly useful for Covid-19 social distancing requirement
Results: Healthier Patients, fewer Hospitalizations, Healthcare cost savings, new Revenue source for Physicians.
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